
Vehicle type


Year of manufacture

Condition note

Price (€)

is the new way
to sell and buy a classic car

We maintain strategic partnerships with:

Frequently asked questions

If you cannot find an answer to your question, you can contact us directly via contact form .

Is registration on BIDaCLASSIC free of charge?


Registration is free for private individuals and dealers.

How long does it take to activate my account?

We check every single registration so that we can largely rule out fraud cases. It is of no use to you as a seller to come across a buyer who does not keep his bid in the end and for you as a buyer it is of no use if a seller not deliver the vehicle to you. As a rule, activation is carried out on working days between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. within 4-6 hours and we thank you for your understanding.

What is special about BIDaCLASSIC for dealers?

BIDaCLASSIC is the new market place for the commercial and private classic car and young classic car trade as well as for modern classics, sports cars and hypercars. This platform is both a marketplace for dealers and private individuals. Dealers can also decide to either sell the vehicles they have bought to commercial dealer colleagues without warranty or, as usual, to private customers. Fast sales and good sales prices are the result.

In addition, advertisements for dealers are FREE with us and there are NO sales fees if the vehicle was sold through our portal through an advertisement – that’s fair! Sales fees only apply to certain special forms that the dealer offers in addition to the normal and free ad. That would be e.g. the buy it now option or the KICKDOWN sale. Both options are explained in more detail here in the FAQ’s.

The creation of auctions is also FREE for a dealer and there are only sales fees if a successful sale by auction has taken place. If the bids were too low and the vehicle was not sold, there are no fees for the dealer!



BIDaCLASSIC is the new way to sell your classic.
This is what our cooperation partners and customers say about us: 

"The concept of BIDaCLASSIC convinced us and will also convince the dealers. Classic cars are becoming more and more popular and we have therefore introduced a guarantee especially for youngtimers and oldtimers that is optimally tailored to the special features of these vehicles. Our partnership with BIDaCLASSIC fulfills the dealers - and customer expectations of the future."

Rainer Doerr, Managing Director
mobile GARANTIE  Deutschland GmbH

"As one of the largest brand-independent classic car communities in Germany, we are a perfect partner for our members in all matters relating to classic vehicles. For this reason, it was very important to us to enter into a partnership with BIDaCLASSIC. The classic market will always change reinvent and become increasingly digital, so the innovative sales concepts from BIDaCLASSIC with online auctions, free advertisements and KICKDOWN AUCTION are a clear recommendation for our members."

Stephan Lehnen, Managing Director
Deutscher Oldtimer Club GmbH

“For us, BIDaCLASSIC represents the future of digital car buying and we are happy to close the physical gaps as a logistics partner. As a specialized logistics company, we can solve the country-specific challenge with our experience and help the customer with the digital and worldwide vehicle search. So the digital solution is complete and the car is safely in the garage of the new owner."

Christian Reyer, Managing Director

"The AvD has been known across borders for its commitment to the classic sector for decades. Therefore, it was only a logical conclusion for us to enter into a cooperation with the most innovative sales portal for classic vehicles. Our members find interesting and innovative sales opportunities for their classic. We think that this advantage fits our advantage world for members perfectly."

Benedikt Preussner, Head of Marketing
Automobilclub von Deutschland e.V.

"For me as a stationary dealer in the Classic Remise Berlin, it was long overdue that an alternative to the existing sales platforms came on the market. The various ideas for the sale and purchase of vehicles are very interesting because here it is not just another boring online ad. No, it creates tension and interaction between buyer and seller. BIDaCLASSIC impressively manages to finally get the market moving because the stupid, loyal, humble, uninformed customer has died.Therefore I combine our new company with the agility, the offer and the real prices of an online auction by BIDaCLASSIC."

Christopher Schöfisch, Owner
www.Sportwagen. Berlin

„BIDaCLASSIC stellt für uns die Zukunft des digitalen Autokaufs dar und wir freuen uns, als Logistik-Partner die physischen Lücken zu schließen. Als spezialisiertes Logistik-Unternehmen können wir die länderspezifischen Herausforderungen mit unserer Erfahrung lösen und dem Kunden bei der digitalen und weltweiten Fahrzeugsuche zur Hand gehen. So wird die digitale Lösung komplett und das Auto kommt sicher in die Garage des neuen Besitzers."

Christian Reyer, Geschäftsführer
Reyer Group

"Für mich als stationärer Händler in der Classic Remise Berlin wurde es schon längst überfällig, dass eine Alternative zu den bestehenden Verkaufsplattformen auf den Markt kommt. Die verschiedenen Ideen für den Verkauf und Kauf von Fahrzeugen sind sehr interessant, denn hier ist es nicht nur ein langweiliges Online-Inserat, sondern schafft Spannung und Interaktion zwischen Käufer und Verkäufer. BIDaCLASSIC schafft es hier eindrucksvoll, endlich Bewegung in den Markt zu bringen, denn der dumme, loyale, demütige, uninformierte Kunde ist gestorben. Ich kombiniere deshalb unsere neue Unternehmung mit der Agilität, dem Angebot und den realen Preisen einer Online Auction von BIDaCLASSIC."

Christopher Schöfisch, Inhaber
www.Sportwagen. Berlin

"Der AvD ist seit Jahrzehnten über die Grenzen hinaus bekannt für sein Engagement im Classic-Bereich. Daher war es für uns nur eine logische Schlussfolgerung, eine Kooperation mit dem innovativsten Verkaufsportal für Classic-Fahrzeuge einzugehen. Unsere Mitglieder erhalten beim Fahrzeugverkauf auf BIDaCLASSIC sogar einen zusätzlichen Rabatt und finden interessante und innovative Verkaufsmöglichkeiten für ihren Klassiker. Wir denken, dass dieser Vorteil perfekt in unsere Vorteilswelt passt."

Benedikt Preussner, Leiter Marketing
Automobilclub von Deutschland e.V.

6 reasons that speak for BIDaCLASSIC

What makes BIDaCLASSIC so unique?

Free advertisements

Advertisements are free of charge, as a dealer you can advertise your entire inventory with us. You no longer have to weigh up which vehicles are eligible for an ad based on price packages. Advertise all vehicles with us, because there are customers for all vehicles worldwide. We have also developed interfaces with which you can mirror your vehicle inventory from vehicle management systems and other sales portals such as Classic Driver or to us with just a few clicks.


Time advantage

Online auctions have many advantages over physical auctions, because you save yourself the need to move the vehicle to the auction location. In addition, the physical auctions only take place in certain time periods and at different locations, which automatically extends your standing time and only provides you with bidders for the auction who are physically there. An online auction reaches bidders worldwide who may be interested in your vehicles. Put the vehicles in an auction that are offered you for a trade in.


Reduce standing time

Auctions can significantly shorten your standing times and because of this reason is creating an auction on BIDaCLASSIC free of charge. Only when a successful sale has been made through an auction do you pay a fair sales fee. Buy-now options and "KICKDOWN advertisements" as well as dynamic advertisements ensure that your potential buyers are in competition and not your advertisements with other advertisements. In addition, these sales forms promise excitement and fun, exactly what your vehicle should trigger at the customer. Don't sell boring! Sell to your buyers with interaction!



If you have a technical report or rating for your vehicle, please upload it to your advertisement or auction. You also have the option of integrating videos into our advertisements via link, uploading damage images and over 50 images of your vehicle to us. For you and the prospective buyer, this means that quality and safety when buying a vehicle now also promote a purchase decision for online auctions and advertisements for the first time.



Vintage cars and sports cars trigger emotions, but sales have so far only been a non-emotional process. BIDaCLASSIC creates an interaction with you and the owner / dealer. You can cheer with our sales features, hit bargains or even go away empty-handed. We deliver the sales feeling digitally that you otherwise only have on site.



The vehicle you are looking for is rarely near you ... maybe not even in your country. We have therefore developed a "Classic Car Scout" booking, with which you can book scouts worldwide who search for the vehicle of your choice with the necessary expertise and even inspect it for you live with pictures and videos. Buy from a private person or from a dealer abroad and import the vehicle into your home garage with our partners. As the saying goes: "The profit is in purchasing".


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